VS Code

VS Code Tips

  1. Open a directory on VS Code with code ..
  2. Ctrl + P opens the Command Palette.
  3. Type > in the command palette to run any command in VS Code.
  4. Use Quokka to run JavaScript on the file itself.
  5. @ inside the command palette, or entering Ctrl + Shift + . let’s you find symbols in a file.
  6. To find a symbol throughout the entire project, enter # followed by the name of the symbol inside the command palette.

    Instead of searching #ReallyLongClassname, just do #RLC

  7. : inside command palette or Ctrl + G lets us move to any line by the line number.
  8. Use Ctrl + → / ← to move word by word. Hold down the Shift key to highlight.
  9. To highlight a word that the cursor is on, hit Ctrl + D (to Delete / Replace it). To highlight a line, do Ctrl + L.
  10. Hit Ctrl + D again and again to select multiple occurences of the same word.
  11. Set multiple cursors by Alt + Click.
  12. Auto Rename Tag extension lets us rename closing tags on languages like HTML by editing the opening tag.
  13. To delete / cut a line, do Ctrl + X.
  14. Use Alt + ↑ / ↓ to move a line up or down. To copy a line, do Alt + Shift + ↑ / ↓.
  15. Comment easily using Ctrl + /.
  16. Open the terminal using Ctrl + `. Open a new terminal window by hitting Ctrl + Shift + `.

Sauce: Fireship